Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Homade Tortillas

Thanks to living in Indonesia: The land of the most horribly tasting tortillas, I'm learning to make my own. I must say that my tortillas top them all.... Or so Matt says. One thing is for sure my "Crunchy-Granolaness" is reaching new heights: Unimaginable Heights! 

Here's my recipe if you want to increase your Crunchy Granolaness. I adapted my recipe from Kitchen Stewardship

Mix together
2 pinches of salt
1 cup of whole wheat flour
1/2 cup of white flour
1/2 cup of ground flaxseeds (and a little more for EXTRA good health - It comes out to be 170 grams using my only measuring cup here. 1/2 cup = 120 grams. Gotta love the metric system! My brain is making a measuring switch. It feels so weird when it does!)

Cut in with pastry blender or two knives:
¼ c. butter (slightly softened) I use coconut oil because its SUPER healthy and its REALLY cheap here.

When it looks like crumbs, add gradually:
½ c. room temperature water

Toss with a fork to make stiff dough.  Knead thoroughly until smooth and flecked with air bubbles.  (Just a few minutes.)  Refrigerate 4-24 hours and allow to come to room temperature before rolling out.
Divide dough into 8-11 balls, depending on how big you want your tortillas.  Roll as thin as possible on a lightly floured surface.  Heat an ungreased electric griddle or cast iron skillet very hot (400 degrees) and drop tortillas on it.

 ENJOY!!!!!  I know Matt does!!!!