Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Key is Training NOT Straining!

"The key is training not straining.  If you want to get in shape fast, exercise longer, not harder. And that will help you stay committed to a consistent, regular exercise program."
                                                      - Rick Warren in The Purpose Driven Connection Daily Devotional

God has been impressing on my heart that maybe the key to healthy living is not following an intense, strict exercise regime as in the TV show Biggest Looser...

BUT a moderate exercise regime for the rest of your life: One that exercises consistency!

I mean don't get me wrong: I still want washboard abs and rock solid legs by tomorrow, but who has the 8 hours in a day to completely devote yourself to exercising. Plus, even if you do, how sustainable is that?!?!?!

Nowadays, I'm thinking that my physical body was made for consistency and not quantity. So, I've decided that my early mornings will begin with a trip to our apartment complex's gym.

To be honest, I'm tempted to find out the latest exercise regime by Bob and Jillian (the trainers of this TV show) and lock myself in the gym until I conquer it.

BUT we all know, I will only keep it up for a week (maybe 2) and then feel horrible that I dont have the stamina to continue.

So instead, I've committed myself to exercise everyday by doing moderate cardio for 30-60 minutes and lifting weights. Once, I've conquered this and have made it a consistent habit, I will venture into the fancy regimes espoused by those solidly famous trainers.

It's all about consistency NOT quantity!